Open Cascade is bridging the gap between complex engineering design and subsequent applications. The following are the standard functionality of any up-to-date pre- and post-processing application. Open CASCADE Technology can be used as a foundation to implement these features. To facilitate their easier and faster development the company offers Open CASCADE Mesh Framework as well as other SDKs from Open Cascade Platform:
Mesh data structure
In addition to simple and light shape triangulation structures and algorithms available in open source, mesh framework provides a complex and universal data structure. Described through nodes and elements, it can contain 0D, 1D, 2D, 3D linear elements (support of parabolic mesh can be requested).
Meshing algorithms
The standard triangulation algorithm and the advanced Open Cascade Express Mesh component are available. Additional tools can be developed at customer request for specific situations. Our team develops meshing algorithms that create a mesh data structure from your Open CASCADE Technology shape or another representation of your object. If you already have in-house meshing algorithms then it is possible to link those algorithms with the mesh data structure.
Associativity with CAD data
If your FE model has been generated from an initial CAD model then the Open CASCADE Technology-based application can maintain associativity between the initial geometry and the final mesh models. This associativity becomes crucial if the process of creating the mesh model, assigning FEA data solving and post-processing is iterative. For instance, this feature allows preserving the assignment of FEA data once a new mesh model has been created. Association between geometry and mesh will automatically re-assign all data. Such associativity is provided by rich capacities of Open CASCADE Mesh Framework capable to store and manipulate different kinds of attributes.
Algorithms for mesh quality analysis and improvement
Mesh elements generated or created from scratch can be checked against different quality criteria. They may include:
- geometrical size
- aspect ratio
- taper
- skew
- warping
- normal orientation
In addition, check-up and improvement can be performed regarding normal orientation and planarity.
Mesh can be displayed in a variety of ways. By default three standard modes are provided – wire-frame, shaded and shrink modes. In addition, you may set up custom display view manipulating the colors of outlines, inner area of elements, shrink percentage, etc. Numerous visualization styles, including deformed shape, labeling (text in 3D), beam diagrams and others are also available for implementation.
Dynamic highlight and selection is also provided for all types of nodes and elements. The 3D viewer used to display meshes can simultaneously visualize CAD models thereby enabling concurrent operations.
Associativity with FEA data
Different physical properties can be assigned to mesh models. These include materials, different types of elements, loads and constraints.
All FEA data can be displayed in a 3D viewer according to their types and values. Creation of a customized visual presentation is also possible.
Mapping with FE solvers
In this domain Open Cascade team has developed competence in a number of existing market-leading technologies in order to implement computations with the help of FE solvers such as NASTRAN, ANSYS, or SAMCEF. If you have to deal with another solver, then a corresponding mapping can be also developed.
Visual post-processing powered by Open CASCADE Technology can be implemented with the help of standard or customized features, such as:
- boundary contours (iso-lines)
- filled-in contours
- vectors
If necessary, simple cutting plane or iso-surfaces animation can be provided in addition to static pictures. Moreover, HTML reports reflecting each step of your analysis including sheets, diagrams and snapshots received can be generated.

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Open CASCADE Technology 7.7.1 is published featuring many improvements and corrections over the previous magor release 7.7.0.

The new release of added-value components for OCCT 7.7.0 provides around 100 bug fixes over the previous release.