Open Cascade is pleased to announce that the next Open CASCADE Technology (OCCT) maintenance release (version 7.6.2) is prepared.
The sources of Open CASCADE Technology 7.6.2 are available under the V7_6_2 tag in the OCCT repository.
This maintenance release fixes the following critical problems:
- 31585: “Access Violation while creating fillet – ChFi3d_Builder::PerformIntersectionAtEnd”
- 32066: “Modeling Algorithms – Incorrect result of Boolean CUT operation”
- 32701: “Modeling Algorithms – 2d curve has bending near the degenerated edge of the face”
- 32715: “Modelling Algorithms – UnifySameDomain does incomplete union”
- 32719: “Regression: Modelling Algorithms – UnifySameDomain result has incorrect triangulation”
- 32721: “Modeling Algorithms – BOP wrong results on a cone and an extrusion”
- 32767: “Mesh – incorrect splitting of edges of seams leading to hang [since OCCT 7.4.0]”
- 32796: “Modeling Data – Calculation of distance between two circles crashes”
- 32814: “[REGRESSION vs 7.5.1] Modeling algorithms – Unifysamedom produces invalid result”
- 32840: “Application Framework, copying of a scaled shape fails”
- 32874: “IsParallel() method of Extrema_ExtCC does not give same results in OCC 7.6.0 vs OCC 7.5.0”
- 32912: “Visualization – crash when displaying an OBJ file with missing texture file”
Publication date: April 29, 2022.

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Open CASCADE Technology 7.7.1 is published featuring many improvements and corrections over the previous magor release 7.7.0.

The new release of added-value components for OCCT 7.7.0 provides around 100 bug fixes over the previous release.