Massive 3D data visualization can be costly and time-consuming, especially when several data sources in different formats are involved. The process usually includes numerous manual iterations with files exchange. Visualization of hybrid data including point cloud with CAD model, PMI, annotations, etc. requires having special technologies and vast resources for high-speed processing, adaptability and reliability.
Open Cascade offers a full selection of modern 3D technologies providing quick access to realistic, interactive and easy to use 3D data in any environment:
- Mobile,
- Desktop,
- Enterprise Cloud,
- Public Cloud.
Our solutions help to aggregate large assets of 3D data in a single place with unlimited scalability by eliminating the need for file exchange. We supercharge your marine software with:
- Hybrid 3D representations of a vessel,
- High performance,
- Adaptive scalability,
- Domain-specific 3D algorithms (e.g. unfolding).
Examples of Open Cascade domain-specific 3D algorithms are ship hull unfolding, converting curved shells into their planar equivalents or algorithms for reparation and planning of welding and assembly operations.

Business value
Read and visualize 3D and associated metadata in any environment. Explore point cloud, CAD and BIM simultaneously within one scene. Enhancing software for ship building with Open Cascade advanced 3D technologies allows you to:
- Give extra context awareness through 3D.
- Enable intuitive 3D navigation through the data.
- Maximize value-for-money thanks to flexible licensing.
- Improve user experience and competitive advantages for your marine software.